path: root/writeups
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authorDavid Timber <dxdt@dev.snart.me>2023-11-21 19:55:39 +0800
committerDavid Timber <dxdt@dev.snart.me>2023-11-21 19:55:39 +0800
commit1551dbfde0e329783174b7aa9d1ce9fc93e8470b (patch)
tree4b503c811afdf935723cbadc713133bc9046f9e0 /writeups
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'writeups')
4 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/writeups/headless-vnc.ko/headless-vnc.ko-kr.md b/writeups/headless-vnc.ko/headless-vnc.ko-kr.md
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index 0000000..05d2486
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+# 클라우드 리눅스 VM에 GUI 돌리기
+AWS EC2나 GCP CE의 윈도 머신은 대부분 RDP로 접근하는 반면에, 리눅스 머신은 모두 CUI로만
+사용하도록 되어있음. 리눅스는 셸로 모든 작업을 할 수 있지만 유니티 에디터같은 소프트웨어는 GUI없이
+거의 사용이 불가능하다. 머신에 하드웨어를 추가할 수 없는 환경이라면 이 방법을 추천한다.
+## 개요
+**Xorg X11 dummy video**를 사용해서 가상 fb를 만들고, **TigerVNC X 윈도 서버 모듈**을
+사용해 원격에서 접속할 수 있도록 설정한다. 이 문서는 VM에 GDE를 설치하는 방법을 다룬다. 이 문서는
+VNC 포트를 외부에 공개하지 않고 SSH 터널링을 사용해 서버 VNC에 연결하는 방법을 설명한다.
+## 방법
+### SSH 접속
+원격 VNC 포트를 로컬로 터널링한다. 포트 2개를 사용하는 이유는 추후에 설명:
+ssh -L15900: -L15901: <주소>
+### 패키지 설치
+```xorg-x11-drv-dummy tigervnc-server-module gnome-shell gnome-terminal```
+### 설정
+**/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-dummy-vnc-video.conf** (새로 만들기):
+Section "Module"
+ Load "vnc"
+Section "Device"
+ Identifier "Configured Video Device"
+ Driver "dummy"
+Section "Monitor"
+ Identifier "Configured Monitor"
+ HorizSync 31.5-48.5
+ VertRefresh 50-70
+Section "Screen"
+ Identifier "Default Screen"
+ Monitor "Configured Monitor"
+ Device "Configured Video Device"
+ DefaultDepth 24
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Depth 24
+ Modes "1280x720"
+ EndSubSection
+ Option "SecurityTypes" "None"
+ Option "AlwaysShared" "true"
+해상도나 색상 깊이를 알맞게 변경한다.
+`Option "SecurityTypes" "None"` 행은 VNC 접속 시
+암호를 묻지 않도록 설정한다는 의미이다. 암호를 설정하고 싶다면 [이 문서](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/TigerVNC#Expose_the_local_display_directly)
+를 참조.
+`Option "AlwaysShared" "true"` 행은 동시 접속을 허용한다는 의미. 원치 않으면 주석처리.
+VNC 포트를 외부에 노출하여 사용하는 것은 안전하지 않다. TigerVNC가 TLS를 지원하나, X11 모듈로
+사용되어 X11 설정으로 옵션을 넘겨주어야 해서 복잡한 설정이 어려울 것이다. 따라서 저자는 VNC 포트를
+개방하지 않고 SSH 터널링으로 VNC 접속하는 방법을 택하였다.
+### X 서버 실행
+systemctl set-default graphical.target
+systemctl start graphical.target
+Systemd를 사용하지 않는 배포판에서는 gdm을 enable, start하거나 runlevel을 5로 설정하는 등의
+작업을 하여 gdm을 실행한다.
+### 접속, 로그인
+****에 접속하여 원하는 계정으로 로그인한다. 로그인에 성공하면 VNC로 보이는
+화면이 빈 화면으로 유지되면 정상. ****로 접속하면 로그인된 GUI 세션을 이용할 수
+## 외부 링크
+* https://lxtreme.nl/blog/headless-x11/
+* https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/TigerVNC#Expose_the_local_display_directly
diff --git a/writeups/powershell-email/README.md b/writeups/powershell-email/README.md
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index 0000000..4d815d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/writeups/powershell-email/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Sending Mail using Powershell
+Turns out, Powershell can be used to send emails through harnessing the power of
+C#. I made this script as a POC as to show how far .Net and Powershell have
+Should work on all platforms that support Powershell.
+## Usage
+Copied from the script.
+echo 'Hi! it going? Testing my Powershell script.' | \
+ smtp_host=smtp.gmail.com \
+ smtp_username=example@gmail.com \
+ smtp_password='0123456789' \
+ mail_from=alice@gmail.com \
+ mail_to=bob@example.com \
+ mail_subject='Sent using Powershell' \
+ sendmail.ps1 \
+ doc.pdf
+## Few Tips
+### Password
+Services like Gmail will require you to get a separate password for external
+apps. Google calls this "App password". Refer to the links below.
+* https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833
+* https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229
+Even if the normal password for the account can be used, a separate password
+should always be used for program access. Always check if your email provider
+supports this.
+### TLS
+Most services will refuse to serve on unsecure connections. Use `smtp_tls=O`
+only as the last resort.
+`smtp_tls_cert` is for TLS CN SASL authentication. if authenticating using this
+method, `smtp_username` and `smtp_password` are not required.
+### CC and More
+Didn't think about CC and all the advanced composition. Feel free to add more
+feature to the script that is already monstrous!
diff --git a/writeups/powershell-email/sendmail.ps1 b/writeups/powershell-email/sendmail.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5500ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/writeups/powershell-email/sendmail.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
+# Send an email using Powershell.
+# Usage: sendmail.ps1 [attachment 1 [attachment 2 [... attachment N]]]
+# This is a POC on how to send an email using Powershell. The script should work
+# on all platforms. The information required for the script to work is all
+# supplied via environment variables.
+# Env Vars
+# smtp_host
+# smtp_port (best if you let the implementation decide)
+# smtp_tls:
+# 'F' to insist on secure connection (default)
+# 'O' for opportunistic
+# 'N' to disable (default if $smtp_host is "localhost")
+# smtp_tls_cert
+# smtp_username
+# smtp_password
+# mail_from (required)
+# mail_to (required)
+# mail_subject (required)
+# Example
+# echo 'Hi! it going? Testing my Powershell script.' | \
+# smtp_host=smtp.gmail.com \
+# smtp_username=example@gmail.com \
+# smtp_password='0123456789' \
+# mail_from=alice@gmail.com \
+# mail_to=bob@example.com \
+# mail_subject='Sent using Powershell' \
+# sendmail.ps1 \
+# doc.pdf
+using namespace System
+using namespace System.Net
+using namespace System.Security.Cryptography
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'
+Get an environment variable and unset it
+The name of the environment variable to read and unset
+.PARAMETER Required
+If set, throw FileNotFoundException if the environment variable requested is not
+The purpose of the function is to get and scrub off the password passed as an
+env var in one go. To preserve the env var, use `GetEnvironmentVariable()`
+function FetchEnv ([string]$Name, [bool]$Required = $false) {
+ $RetVal = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($Name)
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($Name, '')
+ if ( $RetVal ) {
+ return $RetVal
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($Required) {
+ throw New-Object IO.FileNotFoundException ("${Name}: unset env var")
+ }
+ else {
+ return $null
+ }
+ }
+Read data from STDIN until EOF and return data as decoded string
+function ExhaustStdin () {
+ $stream = New-Object IO.StreamReader ( [Console]::OpenStandardInput() )
+ return $stream.ReadToEnd()
+# Execution starts here
+# Compose a message
+$mail = New-Object Mail.MailMessage (
+ (FetchEnv "mail_from" $true),
+ (FetchEnv "mail_to" $true),
+ (FetchEnv "mail_subject" $true),
+ (ExhaustStdin)) # This is the part where the mail body is read from STDIN
+# Add attachments
+foreach ($file in $args) {
+ [string]$file = $file
+ $a = New-Object Mail.Attachment (
+ $file,
+ # Treat all attachments as binary
+ [System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames+Application]::Octet)
+ # Timestamp support
+ $a.ContentDisposition.CreationDate = [IO.File]::GetCreationTime($file)
+ $a.ContentDisposition.ModificationDate = [IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($file)
+ $a.ContentDisposition.ReadDate = [IO.File]::GetLastAccessTime($file)
+ $mail.Attachments.Add($a)
+# Set up credentials
+$client_cred = New-Object NetworkCredential (
+ (FetchEnv "smtp_username"),
+ (FetchEnv "smtp_password"))
+# Set up client TLS cert
+$tls_cert = FetchEnv("smtp_tls_cert")
+if ($null -ne $tls_cert) {
+ $cert_chain = New-Object X509Certificates.X509Certificate ( $tls_cert )
+else {
+ $cert_chain = $null
+# Read target SMTP host
+$smtp_host = FetchEnv "smtp_host"
+if (!$smtp_host) {
+ $smtp_host = "localhost"
+# Set up SMTP client object
+$smtp = New-Object Mail.SmtpClient ($smtp_host)
+if ($cert_chain) {
+ $smtp.ClientCertificates.Add($cert_chain)
+$smtp.Credentials = $client_cred
+$smtp_port = FetchEnv "smtp_port"
+if ($smtp_port) {
+ $smtp.Port = [int]$smtp_port
+$tlsmode = FetchEnv "smtp_tls"
+if (!$tlsmode) {
+ # Determine the "tlsmode" to default to
+ if ($smtp_host -eq "localhost") {
+ # No need to waste computing power on TLS.
+ # Unless you're paranoid and don't trust the hosts file.
+ $tlsmode = "N"
+ }
+ else {
+ # Transmitting plain text data on the internet nowadays is no-brainer.
+ # Most email services will refuse anyway.
+ $tlsmode = "F"
+ }
+# Set `$smtp.EnableSsl` based on `$tlsmode`
+if ($tlsmode -eq "F" -or $tlsmode -eq "O") {
+ $smtp.EnableSsl = $true
+elseif ($tlsmode -eq "N") {
+ $smtp.EnableSsl = $false
+try {
+ $smtp.Send($mail)
+catch {
+ if ($tlsmode -eq "O") {
+ # Opportunistic tlsmode. Try again with TLS disabled.
+ # Please think twice and fix the problem before resorting to this bit.
+ $smtp.EnableSsl = $false
+ $smtp.Send($mail)
+ }
+ else {
+ # Let the script die
+ throw $_
+ }
diff --git a/writeups/selfhosting-email/fuckyou-gmail.en.md b/writeups/selfhosting-email/fuckyou-gmail.en.md
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+# What to do when Gmail marks all the mails from your server as spam
+If you're self-hosting your services and having trouble getting your emails
+through Gmail and infuriated by Google's non-existent support, you're not the
+only one. I'd like to share my experiences trying to get it sorted out.
+* https://support.google.com/mail/thread/171517615?hl=en&msgid=172576102
+I'm the author of the post above. You can tell how arrogant Google employees are
+from all the previous posts he made in the past.
+* https://support.google.com/mail/thread/4857692/how-to-delist-my-ip-address-from-gmail-blacklist?hl=en
+* https://support.google.com/mail/thread/3745648?hl=en
+![Mocking Spongebob: There is nothing wrong with out servers. You're doing
+Seriously, fuck these guys.
+## The Basics
+Don't embarrase yourself by setting up your servers wrong. Make sure that emails
+have valid DKIM signatures, mail contents are good, rDNS is properly set, MTAs
+use TLS 1.3 with valid certificates, and there's no error in TXT records. You
+have to get those all "PASS" marks and the padlock icon next to the email
+address. This is the very basic. Make sure your servers are complaint before
+sending anything. And whenever you change the settings, **TEST IT** or your IP
+address can be listed because of broken configuration.
+Here are the tools I use to diagnose.
+- https://www.checktls.com/TestReceiver (most favourable for TLS diagnosis)
+- https://www.mail-tester.com/
+- https://mxtoolbox.com/deliverability
+## Getting a clean public IPv4 address
+If you're sure you've got everything right and all the other providers respect
+the mails from your server, it's most likely Google's internal rep list.
+Contrary to that guy's claim, it is evident that Google does keep an internal IP
+reputation list. If the IPv4 address you have been assigned is dirty, all the
+email from your server could be marked as spam. Forever. Doesn't matter if
+you've delisted your IP from all known blacklists. Not only Google but also all
+the other major email service providers do not account for the fact that IP
+addresses get passed around and the blacklist entries must expire. **Google DOES
+NOT CARE**. It's our job to ensure that we get clean IP addresses.
+There are plenty of posts on the internet on how to check if your IP address is
+dirty, but here are the ones I use.
+- https://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx
+- https://dnschecker.org/ip-blacklist-checker.php
+- https://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check
+- https://cleantalk.org/blacklists
+So basically all the tools that show up on the search result.
+## IPv6
+It could be safer to just use an IPv6 address for sending emails as the IPv6
+address range is wide and the use of IPv6 addresses is not yet widely spread,
+hence the less chance of getting a dirty address. But there are still MTA's with
+only IPv4 addresses. But at least most of Google's servers use IPv6, so this
+could be the solution for you. See the next section if you're using AWS.
+However, if your cloud service provider or your ISP would not support rDNS for
+IPv6 , make sure your server does not send any emails using the IPv6 connection.
+This can be done in many ways.
+- Don't assign your machine an IPv6 address at all
+- Disable the setting. For example,
+ - Postfix: `smtp_address_preference` or `inet_interfaces` altogether
+There shouldn't be any problem receiving mails via IPv6 connections. But if
+you're paranoid, you can disable IPv6 SMTP connectivity on your daemon or
+## Dealing with grumpy AWS support rep
+**AWS will set up a rDNS record for your IPv6 address on request!** Which is
+pretty cool.
+However, sometimes your ticket will be assigned to a grumpy representative who
+thinks that they're doing their job right. If your ticket is responded by
+something like "do you know what you're doing, mate?", do not attempt to reason
+with the rep. Instead, toss the ticket in the bin and retry your luck in 2 weeks
+time. Hopefully, your ticket will be assigned to someone generous. It took me 3
+attempts. It's probably because they have to put up with Telstra. It could
+depend on how strict the ISPs are in the part of the world you're in.
+This is the link to the tickets I'm talking about:
+- https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/contacts#/rdns-limits
+## Gmail Specific Tests
+There's this awesome tool made by awesome people that lists all the emails
+received by their test accounts. You can use the tool before sending your emails
+to real people's Gmail accounts.
+- https://www.gmass.co/inbox
+There I said it.