path: root/writeups/selfhosting-email/fuckyou-gmail.en.md
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+# What to do when Gmail marks all the mails from your server as spam
+If you're self-hosting your services and having trouble getting your emails
+through Gmail and infuriated by Google's non-existent support, you're not the
+only one. I'd like to share my experiences trying to get it sorted out.
+* https://support.google.com/mail/thread/171517615?hl=en&msgid=172576102
+I'm the author of the post above. You can tell how arrogant Google employees are
+from all the previous posts he made in the past.
+* https://support.google.com/mail/thread/4857692/how-to-delist-my-ip-address-from-gmail-blacklist?hl=en
+* https://support.google.com/mail/thread/3745648?hl=en
+![Mocking Spongebob: There is nothing wrong with out servers. You're doing
+Seriously, fuck these guys.
+## The Basics
+Don't embarrase yourself by setting up your servers wrong. Make sure that emails
+have valid DKIM signatures, mail contents are good, rDNS is properly set, MTAs
+use TLS 1.3 with valid certificates, and there's no error in TXT records. You
+have to get those all "PASS" marks and the padlock icon next to the email
+address. This is the very basic. Make sure your servers are complaint before
+sending anything. And whenever you change the settings, **TEST IT** or your IP
+address can be listed because of broken configuration.
+Here are the tools I use to diagnose.
+- https://www.checktls.com/TestReceiver (most favourable for TLS diagnosis)
+- https://www.mail-tester.com/
+- https://mxtoolbox.com/deliverability
+## Getting a clean public IPv4 address
+If you're sure you've got everything right and all the other providers respect
+the mails from your server, it's most likely Google's internal rep list.
+Contrary to that guy's claim, it is evident that Google does keep an internal IP
+reputation list. If the IPv4 address you have been assigned is dirty, all the
+email from your server could be marked as spam. Forever. Doesn't matter if
+you've delisted your IP from all known blacklists. Not only Google but also all
+the other major email service providers do not account for the fact that IP
+addresses get passed around and the blacklist entries must expire. **Google DOES
+NOT CARE**. It's our job to ensure that we get clean IP addresses.
+There are plenty of posts on the internet on how to check if your IP address is
+dirty, but here are the ones I use.
+- https://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx
+- https://dnschecker.org/ip-blacklist-checker.php
+- https://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check
+- https://cleantalk.org/blacklists
+So basically all the tools that show up on the search result.
+## IPv6
+It could be safer to just use an IPv6 address for sending emails as the IPv6
+address range is wide and the use of IPv6 addresses is not yet widely spread,
+hence the less chance of getting a dirty address. But there are still MTA's with
+only IPv4 addresses. But at least most of Google's servers use IPv6, so this
+could be the solution for you. See the next section if you're using AWS.
+However, if your cloud service provider or your ISP would not support rDNS for
+IPv6 , make sure your server does not send any emails using the IPv6 connection.
+This can be done in many ways.
+- Don't assign your machine an IPv6 address at all
+- Disable the setting. For example,
+ - Postfix: `smtp_address_preference` or `inet_interfaces` altogether
+There shouldn't be any problem receiving mails via IPv6 connections. But if
+you're paranoid, you can disable IPv6 SMTP connectivity on your daemon or
+## Dealing with grumpy AWS support rep
+**AWS will set up a rDNS record for your IPv6 address on request!** Which is
+pretty cool.
+However, sometimes your ticket will be assigned to a grumpy representative who
+thinks that they're doing their job right. If your ticket is responded by
+something like "do you know what you're doing, mate?", do not attempt to reason
+with the rep. Instead, toss the ticket in the bin and retry your luck in 2 weeks
+time. Hopefully, your ticket will be assigned to someone generous. It took me 3
+attempts. It's probably because they have to put up with Telstra. It could
+depend on how strict the ISPs are in the part of the world you're in.
+This is the link to the tickets I'm talking about:
+- https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/contacts#/rdns-limits
+## Gmail Specific Tests
+There's this awesome tool made by awesome people that lists all the emails
+received by their test accounts. You can use the tool before sending your emails
+to real people's Gmail accounts.
+- https://www.gmass.co/inbox
+There I said it.