path: root/src/proone-mkcdict.c
diff options
authorDavid Timber <mieabby@gmail.com>2020-09-18 00:39:10 +0930
committerDavid Timber <mieabby@gmail.com>2020-09-18 00:39:10 +0930
commit54166c46f32555532dc3c0e922fe6a591cb74128 (patch)
treedee32ffb8a15365cc2800f6c2cbc3520ef56324e /src/proone-mkcdict.c
parente6953dcb47193746a4f4d9fff0193723fadbb3e6 (diff)
* Impl: bne
* Add prne_index_nybin()
Diffstat (limited to 'src/proone-mkcdict.c')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/proone-mkcdict.c b/src/proone-mkcdict.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd9abd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/proone-mkcdict.c
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <regex.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "cred_dict.h"
+#include "util_rt.h"
+#include "llist.h"
+static regex_t re_entry, re_comment, re_empty;
+static void print_help (FILE *o, const char *prog) {
+ fprintf(
+ o,
+ "Usage: %s <cred file> <out file>\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+ "\t<cred file>: path to file listing credentials. \"-\" to read stdin\n"
+ "\t<out file>: path to output file. \"-\" for stdout\n"
+ "Cred File Format: <WEIGHT> <ID> [PW]\n"
+ "\t<WEIGHT>: uint8_t weight value\n"
+ "\t<ID>: c_str username\n"
+ "\t[PW]: c_Str password (optional)\n"
+ "\tNote:\n"
+ "\t\t- <ID> and <PW> are case-sensitive\n"
+ "\t\t- Lines start with \"#\" are ignored\n"
+ "Cred File Example:\n"
+ "\t# TP-Link\n"
+ "\t16\tadmin\tadmin\n"
+ "\t# Linux machine with empty root password\n"
+ "\t128\troot\n"
+ "\t# Another typical default cred\n"
+ "\t32\troot\t1234\n",
+ prog);
+static int do_parse (
+ FILE *file,
+ prne_cred_dict_raw_entry_t **arr,
+ size_t *cnt)
+ static const size_t RM_SIZE = 8;
+ regmatch_t rm[RM_SIZE];
+ char line[2][1024];
+ size_t nr_line = 0;
+ char *ent_weight, *ent_id, *ent_pw;
+ size_t sl_id, sl_pw;
+ prne_cred_dict_raw_entry_t ent;
+ while (true) {
+ if (fgets(line[0], sizeof(line[0]), file) == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ nr_line += 1;
+ if (regexec(&re_empty, line[0], RM_SIZE, rm, 0) == 0 ||
+ regexec(&re_comment, line[0], RM_SIZE, rm, 0) == 0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (regexec(&re_entry, line[0], RM_SIZE, rm, 0) != 0) {
+ goto INV_LINE;
+ }
+ strcpy(line[1], line[0]);
+ prne_memzero(&ent, sizeof(prne_cred_dict_raw_entry_t));
+ line[1][rm[2].rm_eo] = 0; // terminate WEIGHT
+ line[1][rm[3].rm_eo] = 0; // terminate ID
+ ent_weight = line[1] + rm[2].rm_so;
+ ent_id = line[1] + rm[3].rm_so;
+ sl_id = rm[3].rm_eo - rm[3].rm_so;
+ if (rm[5].rm_so >= 0) { // PW
+ line[1][rm[5].rm_eo] = 0;
+ ent_pw = line[1] + rm[5].rm_so;
+ sl_pw = rm[5].rm_eo - rm[5].rm_so;
+ }
+ else {
+ ent_pw = "";
+ sl_pw = 0;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(ent_weight, "%"SCNu8, &ent.weight) != 1) {
+ goto INV_LINE;
+ }
+ ent.id = prne_alloc_str(sl_id);
+ ent.pw = prne_alloc_str(sl_pw);
+ prne_assert(ent.id != NULL && ent.pw != NULL);
+ memcpy(ent.id, ent_id, sl_id + 1);
+ memcpy(ent.pw, ent_pw, sl_pw + 1);
+ *arr = prne_realloc(*arr, sizeof(prne_cred_dict_raw_entry_t), *cnt + 1);
+ prne_assert(*arr != NULL);
+ (*arr)[*cnt] = ent;
+ *cnt += 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "*** Invalid entry at line %zu: %s\n",
+ nr_line,
+ line[0]);
+ return 2;
+int main (const int argc, const char **args) {
+ int ret = 0;
+ prne_cred_dict_t dict;
+ prne_cred_dict_raw_entry_t *arr = NULL;
+ uint8_t *m = NULL;
+ size_t m_len = 0;
+ size_t cnt = 0;
+ FILE *in_f = NULL;
+ bool own_in_f = false;
+ int out_fd = -1;
+ prne_assert(regcomp(
+ &re_entry,
+ // ^(\s+)?([0-9]{1,3})\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?(\s+)?(#.*)?$
+ // number of captures: 7
+ // significant groups: <2>, <3>, [5]
+ "^(\\s+)?([0-9]{1,3})\\s+(\\S+)(\\s+(\\S+))?(\\s+)?(#.*)?$",
+ prne_assert(regcomp(
+ &re_comment,
+ // ^(\s+)?#.*$
+ "^(\\s+)?#.*$",
+ prne_assert(regcomp(
+ &re_empty,
+ // ^(\s+)?$
+ "^(\\s+)?$",
+ prne_init_cred_dict(&dict);
+// TRY
+ // parse args
+ if (argc < 3) {
+ print_help(stderr, args[0]);
+ ret = 2;
+ goto END;
+ }
+ if (prne_nstreq(args[1], "-")) {
+ in_f = stdin;
+ }
+ else {
+ own_in_f = true;
+ in_f = fopen(args[1], "r");
+ if (in_f == NULL) {
+ perror(args[1]);
+ ret = 1;
+ goto END;
+ }
+ }
+ if (prne_nstreq(args[2], "-")) {
+ out_fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
+ }
+ else {
+ out_fd = open(args[2], O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
+ if (out_fd < 0) {
+ perror(args[2]);
+ ret = 1;
+ goto END;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isatty(out_fd)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Refusing to write on terminal.\n");
+ ret = 1;
+ goto END;
+ }
+ ret = do_parse(in_f, &arr, &cnt);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ goto END;
+ }
+ if (!prne_build_cred_dict(arr, cnt, &m, &m_len)) {
+ ret = 1;
+ perror("prne_build_cred_dict()");
+ goto END;
+ }
+ // test
+ if (!prne_dser_cred_dict(&dict, m, m_len)) {
+ ret = 1;
+ perror("prne_dser_cred_dict()");
+ goto END;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dict.cnt; i += 1) {
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "%"PRIu8"\t%s\t%s\n",
+ dict.arr[i].weight,
+ dict.m + dict.arr[i].id,
+ dict.m + dict.arr[i].pw);
+ }
+ }
+ if (write(out_fd, m, m_len) != (ssize_t)m_len) {
+ ret = 1;
+ perror("write()");
+ goto END;
+ }
+ // clean up
+ prne_close(out_fd);
+ if (own_in_f && in_f != NULL) {
+ fclose(in_f);
+ }
+ regfree(&re_entry);
+ regfree(&re_comment);
+ regfree(&re_empty);
+ prne_free_cred_dict(&dict);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i += 1) {
+ prne_free(arr[i].id);
+ prne_free(arr[i].pw);
+ }
+ prne_free(arr);
+ prne_free(m);
+ return ret;