import openai import pyjson5 class Env: def __init__(self): self.model = "gpt-4o" self.output_tokens_min = 250 self.output_tokens_max = 500 self.temp: float = None self.seed: int = None self.max_tokens = 8000 class SourceFile: def __init__(self): str = None self.category: str = None self.contents: str = None class LLMAPIException (Exception): ... def __do_prompt (lang: str, extra_prompt: str, env: Env): prompt = ''' Write me a program source code written in %s. Write anything you'd like. Use more than %d words, but no more than %d words in the code.''' % ( lang, env.output_tokens_min, env.output_tokens_max) if extra_prompt: prompt = ' ' + extra_prompt messages = [ { "role": "system", "content": "You're a helpful assistant that writes " + "computer program of any kind" }, { "role": "user", "content": prompt } ] functions = [ { "name": "get_result", "description": "Output the source code", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "cat": { "type": "string", "description": "one word describing program functions" }, "filename": { "type": "string", "description": "The source code file name" # TODO: strip unallowed characters in Unix fs }, "code": { "type": "string", "description": "The source code" } } } } ] return model = env.model, messages = messages, functions = functions, function_call = "auto", temperature = env.temp, seed = env.seed, max_tokens = env.max_tokens ) def gen_rand_srccode (lang: str, extra_prompt: str, env: Env) -> SourceFile | str: rsp = __do_prompt(lang, extra_prompt, env) match rsp.choices[0].finish_reason: case 'stop': return rsp.choices[0].message.content case 'function_call': choice = pyjson5.loads(rsp.choices[0].message.function_call.arguments) ret = SourceFile() = choice["filename"] ret.category = choice.get("cat") ret.contents = choice["code"] return ret case _: raise LLMAPIException(rsp.choices[0].finish_reason)